Movies like Grey Knight to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Horror movie Grey Knight with Adrian Pasdar, Corbin Bernsen, Cynda Williams & Ray Wise & created by George Hickenlooper?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Grey Knight?
Slave traders bring back an evil voodoo entity that is accidentally freed by the Confederate army during the Civil War. The entity possesses the bodies of the dead soldiers to create an ...
Its release date is Sunday March 7, 1993
Slave traders bring back an evil voodoo entity that is accidentally freed by the Confederate army during the Civil War. The entity possesses the bodies of the dead soldiers to create an ...
TAGLINE: "The perfect soldiers are the ones who can not be killed!"
Its release date is Sunday March 7, 1993
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Years |
Genre | Action, Drama & Horror |
Director | George Hickenlooper |
Starring | Adrian Pasdar, Corbin Bernsen, Cynda Williams & Ray Wise |
Time | 1993 |
Written by | Matt Greenberg |
Runtime | 80 min |