Movies like Gun and a Hotel Bible to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Gun and a Hotel Bible with Bradley Gosnell, Daniel Floren & Mia Marcon & created by Alicia Joy LeBlanc & Raja Gosnell?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Gun and a Hotel Bible?

Based on the original play, Gun and a Hotel Bible is a provocative film about a man on the verge of a violent act, and his encounter with a personified hotel bible.

TAGLINE: "When all hope is lost, can the lost find hope?"

Its release date is Tuesday January 5, 2021

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Genre Drama
Director Alicia Joy LeBlanc & Raja Gosnell
Starring Bradley Gosnell, Daniel Floren & Mia Marcon
Written by Bradley Gosnell & Daniel Floren
Runtime 58 min