Movies like Happily to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Happily with Joel McHale, Natalie Zea, Shannon Woodward & Stephen Root & created by BenDavid Grabinski?

Movies like Happily with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Happily?

A dark romantic comedy. Tom and Janet have been happily married for years. But a visit from a mysterious stranger leads to a dead body, a lot of questions, and a tense couples' trip with friends who may not actually be friends at all.
Its release date is Friday February 5, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bats, Owls, Royalty, Shapeshifting & Witchcraft
Director BenDavid Grabinski
Starring Joel McHale, Natalie Zea, Shannon Woodward & Stephen Root
Written by BenDavid Grabinski
Runtime N/A