Movies like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Family & Fantasy movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Ralph Fiennes & Rupert Grint & created by Mike Newell & Mike Newell (director)?

Movies like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

A young wizard finds himself competing in a hazardous tournament between rival schools of magic, but he is distracted by recurring nightmares.

TAGLINE: "Dark And Difficult Times Lie Ahead."

Its release date is Wednesday November 16, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Black Magic, Boarding School, Broom, Chosen One, Dragons, Dying And Death, Magic, Mermaids, Patricide Fiction, School Of Witchcraft & Sorcerer's Apprentice
Genre Adventure, Family & Fantasy
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Mike Newell & Mike Newell (director)
Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Ralph Fiennes & Rupert Grint
Place England & Scotland
Written by J.K. Rowling (novel) & Steve Kloves (screenplay)
Cinematography Roger Pratt (cinematographer)
Music Patrick Doyle
Runtime 157 min

Other Adventure movies by Mike Newell

Prince of Persia | May 19th, 2010

Prince of Persia
6.6/10 | By Mike Newell
The United States | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Other Adventure movies written by J.K. Rowling (novel)