Movies like Haunter to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie Haunter with Abigail Breslin, David Hewlett, David Knoll & Stephen McHattie & created by Vincenzo Natali?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Haunter?
A teenager is stuck in a time loop that is not quite the same each time. She must uncover the truth but her actions have consequences for herself and others.
Its release date is Friday October 25, 2013
Its release date is Friday October 25, 2013
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Abduction, Afterlife, Duct Tape, Families, Haunted House, House, Possession, Serial Killer, Teenager & Time Loop |
Genre | Horror, Mystery & Thriller |
Country | Canada |
Director | Vincenzo Natali |
Starring | Abigail Breslin, David Hewlett, David Knoll & Stephen McHattie |
Written by | Brian King |
Cinematography | Jon Joffin |
Music | Alex Khaskin |
Runtime | 97 min |