Movies like Heebie Jeebies to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Heebie Jeebies with Cathy Shim, Lucille Soong, Michael Badalucco & Robert Belushi & created by Thomas L. Callaway?

Movies like Heebie Jeebies with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Heebie Jeebies?

When a haunted gold mine is reopened after a 150 years, a horrific supernatural creature escapes to exact vengeance on a small Southern town.
Its release date is Saturday February 9, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Horror
Director Thomas L. Callaway
Starring Cathy Shim, Lucille Soong, Michael Badalucco & Robert Belushi
Location Louisiana
Written by Trent Haaga
Music Andrew Morgan Smith
Runtime 85 min

Other Horror movies written by Trent Haaga

Feeding the Masses | Sep 25th, 2004

Feeding the Masses
4.5/10 | By Richard Griffin
United States of America | Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Deadgirl | Sep 6th, 2008

5.7/10 | By Gadi Harel(co-director) & Marcel Sarmiento
The United States | Horror, Romance & Thriller
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