Movies like Hidalgo to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Western movie Hidalgo with Adam Alexi-Malle, Omar Sharif, Viggo Mortensen & Zuleikha Robinson & created by Joe Johnston?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hidalgo?

In 1890, a down-and-out cowboy and his horse travel to Arabia to compete in a deadly cross desert horse race.

TAGLINE: "Unbridled. Unbroken. Unbeaten."

Its release date is Friday March 5, 2004

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Abduction, Horse, Horse Race, Horses & Racehorse
Genre Adventure & Western
Country Morocco & The United States
Director Joe Johnston
Starring Adam Alexi-Malle, Omar Sharif, Viggo Mortensen & Zuleikha Robinson
Place Deserts, Middle East & South Dakota
Time 1891
Written by John Fusco
Cinematography Shelly Johnson (cinematographer)
Music James Newton Howard
Runtime 136 min

Other Adventure movies by Joe Johnston

The Rocketeer | Jun 21st, 1991

The Rocketeer
6.4/10 | By Joe Johnston
The United States | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
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Captain America | Jul 22nd, 2011

Captain America
6.9/10 | By Joe Johnston
The United States | Action, Adventure, Sci-fi & Science Fiction
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Jurassic Park III | Jul 18th, 2001

Jurassic Park III
5.9/10 | By Joe Johnston
The United States | Action, Adventure & Thriller
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Other Adventure movies written by John Fusco

Young Guns | Aug 12th, 1988

Young Guns
6.8/10 | By Christopher Cain
The United States | Action, Adventure & Crime
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Thunderheart | Apr 3rd, 1992

6.8/10 | By Michael Apted
The United States | Action, Adventure & Crime
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Young Guns II | Aug 1st, 1990

Young Guns II
6.5/10 | By Geoff Murphy
The United States | Adventure & Western
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