Movies like Hitler’s Children to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary, History & War movie Hitler’s Children with Bettina Goering, Katrin Himmler, Monika Goeth Hertwig & Rainer Hoess & created by Chanoch Ze'evi?

Movies like Hitler’s Children with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hitler’s Children?

A look into the lives of the descendants of the top Nazi officials who worked under Hitler's command.
Its release date is Monday November 21, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Documentary Holocaust
Genre Documentary, History & War
Director Chanoch Ze'evi
Starring Bettina Goering, Katrin Himmler, Monika Goeth Hertwig & Rainer Hoess
Written by N/A
Cinematography Yoram Millo
Music Ophir Leibovitch
Runtime 59 min

Other Documentary movies written by N/A