Movies like House of the Sleeping Beauties to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie House of the Sleeping Beauties with Angela Winkler, Birol Ünel, Maximilian Schell & Vadim Glowna & created by Julia Leigh & Vadim Glowna?
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Still mourning the loss of his beloved wife and daughter in a horrendous car accident, a reclusive sexagenarian decides to visit a rather peculiar and secretive brothel.
Its release date is Thursday November 2, 2006
Its release date is Thursday November 2, 2006
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Altered Memories, Prostitution, Rape, Suicide & Uxoricide Fiction |
Genre | Drama & Thriller |
Country | Germany |
Director | Julia Leigh & Vadim Glowna |
Starring | Angela Winkler, Birol Ünel, Maximilian Schell & Vadim Glowna |
Place | Sydney |
Time | 22nd Century |
Written by | Vadim Glowna & Yasunari Kawabata (novel) |
Cinematography | Geoffrey Simpson |
Music | Ben Frost (musician) |
Runtime | 99 min |