Movies like Hulk vs. Wolverine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Animation & Science Fiction movie Hulk vs. Wolverine with Bryce Johnson, Fred Tatasciore, Nolan North & Tom Kane?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hulk vs. Wolverine?

Department H sends in Wolverine to track down a mysterious beast known by the US Military as the Hulk, who is rampaging across the Canadian wilderness. Surveying the extent of the damage to a destroyed town, Wolverine notices a toxic scent as well as the smell of gunpowder. He is then deployed to the wilderness to resume tracking the creature.
Its release date is Tuesday January 27, 2009

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Topic Alien Invasions, Based On Comic, Mutant, Norse Mythology & Superhero
Genre Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Starring Bryce Johnson, Fred Tatasciore, Nolan North & Tom Kane