Movies like Hyena to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Hyena with Elisa Lasowski, Neil Maskell, Peter Ferdinando & Stephen Graham & created by Gerard Johnson & Paul Gross?

Movies like Hyena with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hyena?

Three different men, three different worlds, three different wars - all stand at the intersection of modern warfare - a murky world of fluid morality where all is not as it seems.

TAGLINE: "There are 33,000 in his gang. His gang is the police."

Its release date is Wednesday June 18, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bad Cop, Drug Dealer, Extreme Violence, Gang, Human Trafficking, London England, Murder & Police Corruption
Genre Crime & Drama
Country United Kingdom
Director Gerard Johnson & Paul Gross
Starring Elisa Lasowski, Neil Maskell, Peter Ferdinando & Stephen Graham
Place Afghanistan
Written by Gerard Johnson & Paul Gross
Cinematography Benjamin Kračun & Karim Hussain
Music Asher Lenz & The The
Runtime 120 min