Movies like I Went Down to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Crime movie I Went Down with Brendan Gleeson, Peter Caffrey, Peter McDonald & Tony Doyle & created by Paddy Breathnach?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of I Went Down?

Irish action comedy. An ex-con is forced into taking on a new task by a ruthless crime-boss, but finds he is hindered by the partner he has been teamed up with. However, he soon realizes they must work together if they are to survive

TAGLINE: "One doesn't count, the other can't. Dis-organised crime."

Its release date is Friday October 3, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dublin, Gangster, Hoodlum, Hostage, Ireland & Release From Prison
Genre Action, Comedy & Crime
Country United Kingdom
Director Paddy Breathnach
Starring Brendan Gleeson, Peter Caffrey, Peter McDonald & Tony Doyle
Written by Conor McPherson
Runtime 107 min