Movies like I’m Reed Fish to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie I’m Reed Fish with Alexis Bledel, Jay Baruchel, Shiri Appleby & Victor Rasuk & created by Zackary Adler?

Movies like I’m Reed Fish with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of I’m Reed Fish?

Reed Fish's life turns into chaos when a high school crush returns to Mud Meadows on the eve of his marriage to the small town's sweetheart.

TAGLINE: "Reed Fish's life turns into chaos when a high school crush returns on the eve of his marriage to the small town's sweetheart."

Its release date is Friday June 1, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Independent Film
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Zackary Adler
Starring Alexis Bledel, Jay Baruchel, Shiri Appleby & Victor Rasuk
Written by Peter Alwazzan (story), Reed Fish, Reed Fish (story), Rhett Wickham (story) & Zackary Adler (story)
Cinematography Doug Chamberlain
Runtime 93 min

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Familiar Strangers
5.7/10 | By Zack Adler (director) & Zackary Adler
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No streaming sources available just yet

Casual Encounters | Jun 7th, 2016

Casual Encounters
4.2/10 | By Zackary Adler
The United States | Comedy
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