Movies like In Her Shoes to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie In Her Shoes with Cameron Diaz, Richard Burgi, Shirley MacLaine & Toni Collette & created by Curtis Hanson?

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Strait-laced Rose breaks off relations with her party girl sister, Maggie, over an indiscretion involving Rose's boyfriend. The chilly atmosphere is broken with the arrival of Ella, the grandmother neither sister knew existed.

TAGLINE: "Friends. Rivals. Sisters."

Its release date is Friday October 7, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Book, based on novel, Beach, Dyslexia Fiction, Families, Florida, Hotel, Jew, Newspaper, Sex, Sisters & Suicide
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Curtis Hanson
Starring Cameron Diaz, Richard Burgi, Shirley MacLaine & Toni Collette
Place Florida & Philadelphia
Location Philadelphia
Written by Jennifer Weiner (based on the novel by) & Susannah Grant (screenplay)
Cinematography Terry Stacey
Music Mark Isham
Runtime 130 min

Other Comedy movies by Curtis Hanson

Wonder Boys | Feb 22nd, 2000

Wonder Boys
7.4/10 | By Curtis Hanson
Germany & Japan | Comedy & Drama
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