Movies like In the Name of the Father to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie In the Name of the Father with Daniel Day-Lewis, Emma Thompson, John Lynch & Pete Postlethwaite & created by Jim Sheridan?

Movies like In the Name of the Father with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of In the Name of the Father?

A man's coerced confession to an IRA bombing he did not commit results in the imprisonment of his father as well. An English lawyer fights to free them.

TAGLINE: "Falsely accused. Wrongly imprisoned. He fought for justice to clear his father's name."

Its release date is Sunday December 12, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1970s, Based On Book, based on novel, Biography, Bomb, Faith, Irish, Irish Republican Army, Lawyers, Miscarriage Of Justice, parent child relationship, Prison & The Troubles (Northern Ireland)
Genre Drama
Country Ireland & United Kingdom
Director Jim Sheridan
Starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Emma Thompson, John Lynch & Pete Postlethwaite
Place Northern Ireland
Location Republic Of Ireland
Written by Gerry Conlon (autobiographical book "Proved Innocent"), Jim Sheridan (screenplay) & Terry George (screenplay)
Cinematography Peter Biziou
Music Trevor Jones (composer)
Runtime 133 min

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6.0/10 | By Jim Sheridan
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