Movies like Indigenous to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Indigenous with Lindsey McKeon, Pierson Fode, Sofia Pernas & Zachary Soetenga & created by Alastair Orr?

Movies like Indigenous with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Indigenous?

A group of friends travel to Panama where they convince a local woman to guide them into the jungle. However, when their guide goes missing, they realize that they've stumbled into the lair of horrific, bloodthirsty creatures.

TAGLINE: "There are places you should never visit. This is one of them."

Its release date is Wednesday April 16, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cryptids, Gore, Murder, Panama, Party, Stalking, Tourist, Vacation & Waterfall
Genre Horror
Country United States of America
Director Alastair Orr
Starring Lindsey McKeon, Pierson Fode, Sofia Pernas & Zachary Soetenga
Place Panama
Location Panama
Written by Max Roberts
Runtime 86 min

Other Horror movies by Alastair Orr

Triggered | Aug 28th, 2020

4.9/10 | By Alastair Orr
Horror & Thriller
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