Movies like Innocent to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Innocent with Bobby Beshro, Dorothée Berryman, Emmanuel Bilodeau & Sandrine Bisson & created by Marc-André Lavoie?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Innocent?

Comment Francis, un homme doux et généreux finira-t-il derrière les barreaux ? C'est ce que nous découvrirons en nous retrouvant catapultés au coeur d'un tourbillon de malchance et de préjugés.
Its release date is Friday October 13, 2017

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Topic Lawyers & Miscarriage Of Justice
Country Canada
Director Marc-André Lavoie
Starring Bobby Beshro, Dorothée Berryman, Emmanuel Bilodeau & Sandrine Bisson
Location Detroit, Michigan, New Jersey, New York (state) & Newark
Written by Adrien Bodson & Marc-André Lavoie
Runtime 88 min