Movies like Interrabang to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Thriller movie Interrabang with Beba Lončar, Corrado Pani, Haydée Politoff & Umberto Orsini & created by Giuliano Biagetti?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Interrabang?

A photographer is sailing with his wife, her sister and his nympho-maniacal model. He leaves the three women alone to get a part for his boat. A mysterious man shows up, who might be an ...
Its release date is Wednesday December 31, 1969

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Boat, Girls, Island, Killer & Whodunit
Genre Thriller
Director Giuliano Biagetti
Starring Beba Lončar, Corrado Pani, Haydée Politoff & Umberto Orsini
Written by Edgar Mills (screenplay), Edgar Mills (story), Giorgio Mariuzzo (screenplay) & Luciano Lucignani (screenplay)
Cinematography Antonio Borghesi
Runtime 93 min