Movies like Into the Inferno to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Into the Inferno with Clive Oppenheimer, Katia Krafft, Maurice Krafft & Werner Herzog & created by Werner Herzog?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Into the Inferno?

An exploration of active volcanoes around the world.

TAGLINE: "What we worship can destroy us"

Its release date is Wednesday September 7, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bioterrorism Fiction, History, Spiritualism, Viral Outbreaks, Volcanic Eruption, Volcano, Volcanologist & Worship
Genre Documentary
Country Canada
Director Werner Herzog
Starring Clive Oppenheimer, Katia Krafft, Maurice Krafft & Werner Herzog
Place Florence
Location Istanbul, Italy & Venice
Written by Werner Herzog
Cinematography Salvatore Totino
Music Hans Zimmer
Runtime 104 min

Other Documentary movies by Werner Herzog

Wings of Hope | Feb 1st, 2000

Wings of Hope
7.7/10 | By Werner Herzog
Germany | Documentary
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Documentary movies written by Werner Herzog