Movies like Io, Don Giovanni to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Io, Don Giovanni with Emilia Verginelli, Lino Guanciale, Lorenzo Balducci & Tobias Moretti & created by Carlos Saura?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Io, Don Giovanni?
A drama based on the life of 18th century Italian lyricist Lorenzo da Ponte, who collaborated with Mozart on his "Don Giovanni" opera.
Its release date is Tuesday October 20, 2009
Its release date is Tuesday October 20, 2009
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | 18th Century, Beethoven & Composers, Biographical Writers, Casanova, Classical Music Musicians, Mozart & Opera |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country | France & Italy |
Director | Carlos Saura |
Starring | Emilia Verginelli, Lino Guanciale, Lorenzo Balducci & Tobias Moretti |
Place | Venice & Vienna |
Time | 1780s |
Written by | Alessandro Vallini, Carlos Saura & Raffaello Uboldi |
Runtime | 127 min |
Other Drama movies by Carlos Saura
Anna and the Wolves | Jun 4th, 1973
7.5/10 | By Carlos Saura
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Elisa, My Life | Apr 21st, 1977
7.5/10 | By Carlos Saura & Guillermo del Toro
Spain | Drama
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