Movies like Jaws to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Horror & Thriller movie Jaws with Lorraine Gary, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Shaw & Roy Scheider & created by Steven Spielberg?

Movies like Jaws with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Jaws?

A local sheriff, a marine biologist and an old seafarer team up to hunt down a great white shark wrecking havoc in a beach resort.

TAGLINE: "Don't go in the water."

Its release date is Wednesday June 18, 1975

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Atlantic Ocean, Bathing, Beach, Death & Grieving, Dying And Death, Ferry Boat, Fishing, Police Chief, Sharks & Shark Attacks & Shipwreck
Genre Adventure, Horror & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Steven Spielberg
Starring Lorraine Gary, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Shaw & Roy Scheider
Place Massachusetts
Location Los Angeles, Massachusetts & South Australia
Written by Carl Gottlieb (screenplay), Peter Benchley (based on the novel by) & Peter Benchley (screenplay)
Cinematography Bill Butler (cinematographer)
Music John Williams
Runtime 124 min

Other Adventure movies by Steven Spielberg

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Jurassic Park | Jun 11th, 1993

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