Movies like Johan Falk: Alla råns moder to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Thriller movie Johan Falk: Alla råns moder with Jakob Eklund, Jens Hultén, Joel Kinnaman & Mikael Tornving & created by Anders Nilsson?

Movies like Johan Falk: Alla råns moder with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Johan Falk: Alla råns moder?

Some men infiltrate the retired chief engineer Arthur Jönsson's home. They look through the residence for a few drawings. Some time later the same men, who turn out to be former Swedish ...
Its release date is Wednesday October 24, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Action, Crime & Thriller
Country Sweden
Director Anders Nilsson
Starring Jakob Eklund, Jens Hultén, Joel Kinnaman & Mikael Tornving
Written by Anders Nilsson (characters), Anders Nilsson (concept), Anders Nilsson (storyline), Joakim Hansson (characters), Joakim Hansson (concept), Joakim Hansson (storyline) & Tage Åström
Runtime 97 min

Other Action movies by Anders Nilsson

Executive Protection | Aug 10th, 2001

Executive Protection
6.4/10 | By Anders Nilsson & Anders Nilsson (director)
Sweden | Action & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Johan Falk: Vapenbröder | Sep 22nd, 2009

Johan Falk: Vapenbröder
6.6/10 | By Anders Nilsson
Sweden | Action & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Action movies written by Anders Nilsson (characters)