Movies like Joint Security Area to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Thriller & War movie Joint Security Area with Kim Tae-woo, Lee Byung-hun, Lee Young-ae & Song Kang-ho & created by Chan-wook Park & Park Chan wook?

Movies like Joint Security Area with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Joint Security Area?

In the DMZ separating North and South Korea, two North Korean soldiers have been killed, supposedly by one South Korean soldier. But the 11 bullets found in the bodies, together with the 5 ...

TAGLINE: "Eight shots! The truth is there"

Its release date is Saturday September 9, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Border, North Korea, Soldier, South Korea & United Nations
Genre Drama, Thriller & War
Country South Korea
Director Chan-wook Park & Park Chan wook
Starring Kim Tae-woo, Lee Byung-hun, Lee Young-ae & Song Kang-ho
Place North Korea & South Korea
Location South Korea
Written by Chan-wook Park, Hyun-seok Kim, Mu-yeong Lee, Sang-yeon Park (novel) & Seong-san Jeong
Cinematography Kim Seong bok
Music Bang Jun seok & Jo Yeong wook
Runtime 110 min

Other Drama movies by Chan-wook Park

Thirst | Apr 30th, 2009

7.2/10 | By Chan-wook Park
South Korea | Drama, Horror & Thriller
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Oldboy | Sep 28th, 2003

8.4/10 | By Chan-wook Park, Park Chan wook & Spike Lee
South Korea | Action, Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Fandor Tubi TV

Other Drama movies written by Chan-wook Park

Night Fishing | Jan 27th, 2011

Night Fishing
6.5/10 | By Chan-kyong Park & Chan-wook Park
South Korea | Drama
Google Play Vudu YouTube iTunes Playstation