Movies like Kaboom to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction movie Kaboom with Chris Zylka, Haley Bennett, Roxane Mesquida & Thomas Dekker & created by Gregg Araki?

Movies like Kaboom with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kaboom?

A sexually "undeclared" college freshman's clairvoyant/prophetic dreams are the first sign that something very strange is going on involving his class-mates -- with him at the center.

TAGLINE: "Blow your mind."

Its release date is Sunday August 22, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic California, College, Cults, Dream, Dreams, Drogen, Guru, Incest, Party & Sex
Genre Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction
Country France
Director Gregg Araki
Starring Chris Zylka, Haley Bennett, Roxane Mesquida & Thomas Dekker
Place Universities Colleges
Location Los Angeles
Written by Gregg Araki (screenplay)
Runtime 86 min

Other Comedy movies by Gregg Araki

Nowhere | May 9th, 1997

6.4/10 | By Gregg Araki & Jeong-beom Lee
France & The United States | Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction
Google Play YouTube Starz

Smiley Face | May 24th, 2007

Smiley Face
5.8/10 | By Gregg Araki
Germany | Comedy
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Vudu

The Doom Generation | Oct 27th, 1995

The Doom Generation
6.0/10 | By Gregg Araki
France & The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime
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