Movies like Kandahar to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Drama movie Kandahar with Aleksandr Baluev, Alexandr Golubev, Bogdan Benyuk, Vladimir Mashkov & Владимир Машков & created by Andrey Kavun & Major Ravi?

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Another mission with Mahadevan and crew, as they deal with international terrorism with a flight being hijacked by hardcore terrorists.
Its release date is Thursday February 4, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Afghanistan, Aircraft Hijackings, Aviation Accidents Or Incidents, Escape, Indian Army, Taliban & Terrorism
Genre Action & Drama
Country Russia
Director Andrey Kavun & Major Ravi
Starring Aleksandr Baluev, Alexandr Golubev, Bogdan Benyuk, Vladimir Mashkov & Владимир Машков
Place Afghanistan
Location Ooty
Written by Andrey Kavun (screenplay) & N/A
Cinematography Velraj
Music Vivek V. K.
Runtime 150 min

Other Action movies by Andrey Kavun

Piranha Hunt | Apr 6th, 2006

Piranha Hunt
6.1/10 | By Andrey Kavun
Russia | Action, Crime & TV Movie
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