Movies like Kidnapping Mr. Heineken to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Drama movie Kidnapping Mr. Heineken with Anthony Hopkins, Jim Sturgess, Ryan Kwanten & Sam Worthington & created by Daniel Alfredson?

Movies like Kidnapping Mr. Heineken with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kidnapping Mr. Heineken?

The inside story of the planning, execution, rousing aftermath, and ultimate downfall of the kidnappers of beer tycoon Alfred "Freddy" Heineken, which resulted in the largest ransom ever paid for an individual.

TAGLINE: "It was the perfect crime until they got away with it."

Its release date is Thursday March 12, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Action, Crime & Drama
Country Belgium & The United States
Director Daniel Alfredson
Starring Anthony Hopkins, Jim Sturgess, Ryan Kwanten & Sam Worthington
Place Amsterdam & Netherlands
Time 1983
Location Amsterdam
Written by Peter R. de Vries (book) & William Brookfield
Cinematography Fredrik Bäckar
Music Clay Duncan
Runtime 95 min

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