Movies like La Femme Nikita to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Thriller movie La Femme Nikita with Alain Lathière, Anne Parillaud, Marc Duret & Patrick Fontana & created by Luc Besson?

Movies like La Femme Nikita with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of La Femme Nikita?

Convicted felon Nikita, instead of going to jail, is given a new identity and trained, stylishly, as a top secret spy/assassin.

TAGLINE: "She murders. So she can live."

Its release date is Wednesday February 21, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Government Assassin, Romance, Secret Identity & Special Unit
Genre Action & Thriller
Country France & Italy
Director Luc Besson
Starring Alain Lathière, Anne Parillaud, Marc Duret & Patrick Fontana
Place France
Written by Luc Besson
Cinematography Thierry Arbogast
Music Éric Serra
Runtime 117 min

Other Action movies by Luc Besson

The Fifth Element | May 7th, 1997

The Fifth Element
7.7/10 | By Luc Besson
France | Action, Adventure, Fantasy & Sci-fi
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The Family | Sep 13th, 2013

The Family
6.3/10 | By Luc Besson
France & The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime
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Other Action movies written by Luc Besson

Bandidas | Jan 18th, 2006

5.7/10 | By Espen Sandberg & Joachim Rønning
United States of America | Action, Comedy & Western
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Taken 2 | Sep 27th, 2012

Taken 2
6.3/10 | By Olivier Megaton
France | Action, Crime & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation