Movies like La traviata to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Music movie La traviata with Allan Monk, Cornell MacNeil, Plácido Domingo & Teresa Stratas & created by Franco Zeffirelli?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of La traviata?

Violetta meets Alfredo and quickly falls for him. After the lovers run away together, they live in bliss for a short time. However, Alfredo's father, Giorgio, starts to interfere, concerned...
Its release date is Thursday October 7, 1982

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Opera & Paris Fiction
Genre Drama & Music
Country Italy
Director Franco Zeffirelli
Starring Allan Monk, Cornell MacNeil, Plácido Domingo & Teresa Stratas
Place Operas France & Paris
Time 19th Century
Written by Francesco Maria Piave (libretto) & Franco Zeffirelli
Music Giuseppe Verdi
Runtime 109 min

Other Drama movies by Franco Zeffirelli

Hamlet | Dec 19th, 1990

6.8/10 | By Franco Zeffirelli
France & United Kingdom | Drama & History
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Endless love | Feb 12th, 2014

Endless love
6.3/10 | By Franco Zeffirelli & Shana Feste
The United States | Coming of age, Drama & Romance
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Tea with Mussolini | Mar 25th, 1999

Tea with Mussolini
6.9/10 | By Franco Zeffirelli
Italy & United Kingdom | Comedy, Drama & War
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