Movies like Landfall (1734—1987—2018) to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Landfall (1734—1987—2018) with Duncan Hess, Emma McDonald, Hayley-Marie Axe & Jodyanne Richardson?
Movies like Landfall (1734—1987—2018) with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Landfall (1734—1987—2018)?
After a surveyor goes missing while working on the southern coast of England, her successor begins to encounter strange phenomena. These experiences may either hold the key to this mystery, or simply deepen the frontier marshland's enigmas.
Its release date is Friday August 30, 2019
After a surveyor goes missing while working on the southern coast of England, her successor begins to encounter strange phenomena. These experiences may either hold the key to this mystery, or simply deepen the frontier marshland's enigmas.
Its release date is Friday August 30, 2019
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | British Cinema, Folk Horror & Romney Marsh |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Thriller |
Country | United Kingdom |
Starring | Duncan Hess, Emma McDonald, Hayley-Marie Axe & Jodyanne Richardson |