Movies like Las Buenas Noches to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie Las Buenas Noches with Bea Rodríguez, Jason Juárez, Lola Miró & Lucía Fernández?

Movies like Las Buenas Noches with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Las Buenas Noches?

With their parents away on a trip, two sisters with a rocky relationship must live alone for a week. Things go from bad to worse when the youngest begins to have sleepwalking episodes.
Its release date is Friday May 1, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Television Series Cannabis & Television Series Families
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country Spain
Starring Bea Rodríguez, Jason Juárez, Lola Miró & Lucía Fernández
Place Television Series Shops, Television Shows Acapulco, Television Shows Madrid & Television Shows Mexico City