Movies like Las Olas to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Las Olas with Alfonso Tort, Carlos Lissardy, Fabiana Charlo & Julieta Zylberberg & created by Adrián Biniez?

Movies like Las Olas with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Las Olas?

Exhausted after leaving work, Alfonso goes to the beach and dives into the sea. Coming to the surface, he finds himself on another beach, in another time. His parents are waiting for him, ...
Its release date is Monday January 2, 2017

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Topic Time & Time Travel
Country Argentina & Uruguay
Director Adrián Biniez
Starring Alfonso Tort, Carlos Lissardy, Fabiana Charlo & Julieta Zylberberg
Written by Adrián Biniez
Runtime N/A