Movies like Left In Darkness to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Left In Darkness with Chris Engen, David Anders, Monica Keena & Tim Thomerson & created by Steven R. Monroe?

Movies like Left In Darkness with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Left In Darkness?

A young woman, whose mother died giving birth to her, is facing eternal life in either Heaven or Hell. She must make the choice who to listen to, her guardian angel, whom she met when she was a child, or the evil ones.

TAGLINE: "Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell, The Ultimate Evil Waits To Feed."

Its release date is Thursday October 19, 2006

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Darkness, Evil Spirit, Heaven & Hell
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Steven R. Monroe
Starring Chris Engen, David Anders, Monica Keena & Tim Thomerson
Written by Jane Whitney & Philip Daay
Cinematography Matthew Heckerling
Music Corey A. Jackson
Runtime 88 min

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It Waits | Nov 10th, 2005

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