Movies like Letters from a Killer to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Letters from a Killer with Gia Carides, Kim Myers, Patrick Swayze & Roger E. Mosley & created by David Carson?
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A man is wrongfully convicted of killing his wife. After he is let out of prison, he is framed again.
Its release date is Friday August 21, 1998
Its release date is Friday August 21, 1998
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Genre | Drama, Mystery & Thriller |
Country | United Kingdom |
Director | David Carson |
Starring | Gia Carides, Kim Myers, Patrick Swayze & Roger E. Mosley |
Location | California, Los Angeles, Nevada, New Orleans, Salt Lake City & Utah |
Written by | John Foster (story), Nicholas Hicks-Beach (screenplay) & Shelley Miller (screenplay) |
Runtime | 104 min |