Movies like Life to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Life with Hiroyuki Sanada, Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson & Ryan Reynolds & created by Daniel Espinosa & Ridley Scott?
Movies like Life with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Life?
A team of scientists aboard the International Space Station discover a rapidly evolving life form that caused extinction on Mars and now threatens all life on Earth.
Its release date is Wednesday March 22, 2017
A team of scientists aboard the International Space Station discover a rapidly evolving life form that caused extinction on Mars and now threatens all life on Earth.
TAGLINE: "Be careful what you search for"
Its release date is Wednesday March 22, 2017
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Alien Life-form, Aliens, Android, Astronaut, Astronauts, Egg, Engineer, Experiment, Extraterrestrial Life, Infection, Intelligent, Mars & Missions to Mars, Sequel, Space, Space & Space Travel, Space Station, Space Travel & Trapped In Space |
Genre | Horror, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller |
Country | Australia & The United States |
Director | Daniel Espinosa & Ridley Scott |
Starring | Hiroyuki Sanada, Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson & Ryan Reynolds |
Location | New York City |
Written by | Paul Wernick & Rhett Reese |
Cinematography | Seamus McGarvey |
Music | Federico Jusid & Jon Ekstrand |
Runtime | 104 min |