Movies like Little Nicky to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Fantasy & Romance movie Little Nicky with Adam Sandler, Harvey Keitel, Patricia Arquette & Rhys Ifans & created by Steven Brill?

Movies like Little Nicky with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Little Nicky?

After two of the devil's three sons escape Hell to wreak havoc on Earth, the devil must send his third son, the mild-mannered Nicky, to bring them back before it's too late.

TAGLINE: "He's Never Been To Earth. He's Never Even Slept Over Some Other Dude's House."

Its release date is Friday November 10, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Brothers, Bulldogg, Demon, Demons, Dogs, parent child relationship, Sibling Relationship, The Devil & The Antichrist & The Devil Fiction
Genre Comedy, Fantasy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Steven Brill
Starring Adam Sandler, Harvey Keitel, Patricia Arquette & Rhys Ifans
Place Hell, New York City & Religious Buildings
Written by Adam Sandler, Steven Brill & Tim Herlihy
Cinematography Theo van de Sande
Music Teddy Castellucci
Runtime 90 min

Other Comedy movies by Steven Brill

Walk of Shame | May 2nd, 2014

Walk of Shame
6.0/10 | By Steven Brill
The United States | Comedy
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Drillbit Taylor | Mar 20th, 2008

Drillbit Taylor
5.7/10 | By Steven Brill
The United States | Comedy
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Movie 43 | Jan 1st, 2013

Movie 43
4.3/10 | By Bob Odenkirk, Brett Ratner, Elizabeth Banks, Elizabeth Banks, Steven Brill, Steve Carr, Rusty Cundieff, James Duffy, Griffin Dunne, Peter Farrelly, Patrik Forsberg, Will Graham, James Gunn, Brett Ratner, Jonathan van Tulleken, Bob Odenkirk, Griffin Dunne, James Duffy, James Gunn, Jonathan van Tulleken, Patrik Forsberg, Peter Farrelly, Rusty Cundieff, Steve Carr, Steven Brill & Will Graham
The United States | Comedy & Romance
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Starz

Other Comedy movies written by Adam Sandler

Sandy Wexler | Apr 14th, 2017

Sandy Wexler
5.1/10 | By Steven Brill
United States of America | Comedy

Grown Ups | Jun 24th, 2010

Grown Ups
6.0/10 | By Dennis Dugan
The United States | Comedy
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