Movies like Little Rascals to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Family & Romance movie Little Rascals with Brittany Ashton Holmes, Bug Hall, Travis Tedford & Whoopi Goldberg & created by Penelope Spheeris?

Movies like Little Rascals with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Little Rascals?

Alfalfa is wooing Darla and his "He-Man-Woman-Hating" friends attempt to sabotage the relationship.

TAGLINE: "Mischief loves company"

Its release date is Friday August 5, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Children, Clubhaus, Friendship, Group Of Friends, Running, Shenanigan & Woman Director
Genre Comedy, Family & Romance
Country The United States
Director Penelope Spheeris
Starring Brittany Ashton Holmes, Bug Hall, Travis Tedford & Whoopi Goldberg
Written by Mike Scott (story), Paul Guay (screenplay), Paul Guay (story), Penelope Spheeris (screenplay), Penelope Spheeris (story), Robert Wolterstorff (story), Stephen Mazur (screenplay) & Stephen Mazur (story)
Cinematography Richard Bowen
Music William Ross (composer)
Runtime 82 min

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Senseless | Feb 20th, 1998

6.0/10 | By Penelope Spheeris
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Wayne’s World | Feb 14th, 1992

Wayne’s World
7.0/10 | By Penelope Spheeris
The United States | Comedy & Music
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Starz