Movies like Lost City Raiders to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Thriller movie Lost City Raiders with Bettina Zimmermann, Ian Somerhalder, James Brolin & Jamie Thomas King & created by Jean de Segonzac?

Movies like Lost City Raiders with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Lost City Raiders?

The year is 2048, and global warming has flooded much of Earth's land areas. A father and his two sons try to salvage treasures from sunken buildings when they are given an important assignment by the New Vatican.

TAGLINE: "They set out to salvage the past, and ended up fighting to save the future."

Its release date is Friday October 31, 2008

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Distant Future, Flooding, Global Warming, Sunken Treasure & Vatican
Genre Action, Adventure & Thriller
Country Germany
Director Jean de Segonzac
Starring Bettina Zimmermann, Ian Somerhalder, James Brolin & Jamie Thomas King
Place Future
Time 2040s
Written by Jean de Segonzac (teleplay) & Torsten Dewi (story & concept)
Runtime 90 min

Other Action movies by Jean de Segonzac

Ice | Jul 21st, 1998

5.0/10 | By Jean de Segonzac
Germany & The United States | Action & Adventure
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Vudu