Movies like Louis Prima: The Wildest! to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Louis Prima: The Wildest! with Keely Smith, Louis Prima, Ron Cannatella & Sam Butera & created by Don McGlynn?
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Its release date is Friday October 22, 1999
Its release date is Friday October 22, 1999
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Jazz, Music, New Orleans, Rock 'n' Roll, Rock Music, Songs Loneliness, Swing Music & Usa |
Genre | Documentary |
Director | Don McGlynn |
Starring | Keely Smith, Louis Prima, Ron Cannatella & Sam Butera |
Written by | N/A |
Runtime | 90 min |
Other Documentary movies by Don McGlynn
The Howlin’ Wolf Story: The Secret History of Rock & Roll | Nov 4th, 2003
7.9/10 | By Don McGlynn
United States of America | Documentary & Music
Other Documentary movies written by N/A
KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy | Sep 28th, 2015
6.1/10 | By Dan Murdoch
United Kingdom | Documentary