Movies like Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family in America with Fred Phelps & Louis Theroux & created by Geoffrey O'Connor?

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Louis meets the Phelps family, who protest against an America that tolerates homosexuality

TAGLINE: "Meet the Westboro Baptist Church"

Its release date is Tuesday April 24, 2007

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Topic Bible, Biblical Code, Dead Soldier, Documentary Christianity United States, Documentary Families, God, Homosexuality, Protest & Southern Baptist
Genre Documentary
Country United Kingdom
Director Geoffrey O'Connor
Starring Fred Phelps & Louis Theroux
Written by Louis Theroux
Runtime 60 min

Other Documentary movies by Geoffrey O'Connor

Other Documentary movies written by Louis Theroux

Louis Theroux: Selling Sex
6.7/10 | By Joshua Baker
United Kingdom | Documentary
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