Movies like Loving Pablo to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Loving Pablo with Javier Bardem, Julieth Restrepo, Penélope Cruz & Peter Sarsgaard & created by Fernando León de Aranoa?

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A journalist strikes up a romantic relationship with notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar.

TAGLINE: "A gangster. A princess. The true story of a most unlikely love affair."

Its release date is Friday March 9, 2018

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Topic Biographical Pablo Escobar, Biopic & Latinx Lead
Genre Crime & Drama
Country Bulgaria
Director Fernando León de Aranoa
Starring Javier Bardem, Julieth Restrepo, Penélope Cruz & Peter Sarsgaard
Written by Fernando León de Aranoa & Virginia Vallejo (book)
Runtime 168 min