Movies like Major Payne to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Comedy & Family movie Major Payne with Damon Wayans, Karyn Parsons, Michael Ironside & Orlando Brown & created by Nick Castle?

Movies like Major Payne with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Major Payne?

A recently discharged Major, finds himself commanding a group of mismatched Cadets.

TAGLINE: "He's looking for a few good men... or a few guys old enough to shave."

Its release date is Friday March 24, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Base, Educators, Headquarter, Instructor, Major, Military Base, Military Humor, Military Service, Military Spoof & United States Marine Corps
Genre Adventure, Comedy & Family
Country The United States
Director Nick Castle
Starring Damon Wayans, Karyn Parsons, Michael Ironside & Orlando Brown
Location Virginia
Written by Bob Mosher (story), Damon Wayans (screenplay), Dean Lorey (screenplay), Gary Rosen (screenplay), Joe Connelly (story), Richard Alan Simmons (earlier screenplay) & William Roberts (earlier screenplay)
Cinematography Richard Bowen
Music Craig Safan
Runtime 95 min

Other Adventure movies by Nick Castle

The Last Starfighter | Jul 13th, 1984

The Last Starfighter
6.7/10 | By Nick Castle
The United States | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
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