Movies like Mere Jeevan Saathi to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Romance movie Mere Jeevan Saathi with Akshay Kumar, Ameesha Patel, Gulshan Grover & Karisma Kapoor & created by Suneel Darshan?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mere Jeevan Saathi?

Back in college, Natasha was obsessed with Vicky, who has become a successful rock star. Nothing ever happened between them, however. At the time, Vicky was in love with Anjali, who one fateful night suffered a great loss because of
Its release date is Friday February 3, 2006

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Genre Action, Drama & Romance
Country India
Director Suneel Darshan
Starring Akshay Kumar, Ameesha Patel, Gulshan Grover & Karisma Kapoor
Written by K.K. Singh, Robin Bhatt & Suneel Darshan
Runtime 129 min