Movies like Mid90s to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Mid90s with Katherine Waterston, Lucas Hedges, Na-kel Smith & Sunny Suljic & created by Jonah Hill?

Movies like Mid90s with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mid90s?

Follows Stevie, a thirteen-year-old in 1990s-era Los Angeles who spends his summer navigating between his troubled home life and a group of new friends that he meets at a Motor Avenue skate shop.

TAGLINE: "fall. get back up."

Its release date is Friday October 19, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1990s, Coming Of Age, Dysfunctional Family, Los Angeles, Misogyny, Skate Punk, Skateboarding & Teenager
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country United States of America
Director Jonah Hill
Starring Katherine Waterston, Lucas Hedges, Na-kel Smith & Sunny Suljic
Written by Jonah Hill
Runtime 85 min

Other Comedy movies written by Jonah Hill

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You People
N/A/10 | By Kenya Barris
United States of America | Comedy & Romance