Movies like Miss March to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Miss March with Craig Robinson, Raquel Alessi, Trevor Moore & Zach Cregger & created by Trevor Moore & Zach Cregger?

Movies like Miss March with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Miss March?

A young man awakens from a four-year coma to hear that his once virginal high-school sweetheart has since become a centerfold in one of the world's most famous men's magazines. He and his ...

TAGLINE: "After four years in a coma, Eugene Pratt is going to be reunited with his high school sweetheart... on pages 95-97."

Its release date is Friday March 13, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Duringcreditsstinger, First Time, Playboy, Road Trip, Sex, Virgin & Virginity
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Trevor Moore & Zach Cregger
Starring Craig Robinson, Raquel Alessi, Trevor Moore & Zach Cregger
Written by Dennis Haggerty (story), Ryan Homchick (story), Thomas Mimms (story), Trevor Moore (screenplay) & Zach Cregger (screenplay)
Cinematography Anthony B. Richmond
Runtime 90 min