Movies like Monsters, Inc. to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Comedy & Family movie Monsters, Inc. with Billy Crystal, James Coburn, John Goodman & Steve Buscemi & created by David Silverman(co-director), Lee Unkrich(co-director) & Pete Docter?

Movies like Monsters, Inc. with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Monsters, Inc.?

In order to power the city, monsters have to scare children so that they scream. However, the children are toxic to the monsters, and after a child gets through, 2 monsters realize things may not be what they think.

TAGLINE: "We Scare Because We Care."

Its release date is Thursday November 1, 2001

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cheating, Competition, Energy Supply, Infant, Kidnapping, Monster, Panic, Parallel Universes Fiction, Villain & Yeti Fiction
Genre Animation, Comedy & Family
Country The United States
Director David Silverman(co-director), Lee Unkrich(co-director) & Pete Docter
Starring Billy Crystal, James Coburn, John Goodman & Steve Buscemi
Place Nepal
Written by Andrew Stanton (screenplay by), Bob Peterson (additional story material), Daniel Gerson (screenplay by), David Silverman (additional story material), Jeff Pidgeon (original story by), Jill Culton (original story by), Joe Ranft (additional story material), Jonathan Roberts (additional screenplay material), Pete Docter (original story by), Ralph Eggleston (original story by), Rhett Reese (additional screenplay material) & Robert L. Baird (additional screenplay material)
Music Randy Newman
Runtime 92 min

Other Animation movies written by Andrew Stanton (screenplay by)

WALL·E | Jun 22nd, 2008

8.4/10 | By Andrew Stanton
The United States | Animation & Family
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

Finding Nemo | May 30th, 2003

Finding Nemo
8.1/10 | By Andrew Stanton & Lee Unkrich(co-director)
The United States | Animation & Family
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Toy Story | Oct 30th, 1995

Toy Story
8.3/10 | By John Lasseter
The United States | Animation, Comedy & Family
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz