Movies like Mr. India to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Science Fiction movie Mr. India with Amrish Puri, Anil Kapoor, Satish Kaushik & Sridevi Kapoor & created by Shekhar Kapur?

Movies like Mr. India with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mr. India?

A poor but big-hearted man takes orphans into his home. After discovering his scientist father's invisibility device, he rises to the occasion and fights to save his children and all of India from the clutches of a megalomaniac.
Its release date is Monday May 25, 1987

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Invisibility Fiction, Orphanage & Super Power
Genre Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
Country India
Director Shekhar Kapur
Starring Amrish Puri, Anil Kapoor, Satish Kaushik & Sridevi Kapoor
Place Mumbai
Location Mumbai
Written by Javed Akhtar & Salim Khan
Cinematography Baba Azmi
Music Javed Akhtar
Runtime 179 min

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7.6/10 | By Hal Needham & Shekhar Kapur
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Other Action movies written by Javed Akhtar

Shaan | Dec 12th, 1980

7.2/10 | By Ramesh Sippy
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Lakshya | Jun 18th, 2004

7.9/10 | By Farhan Akhtar
India | Action, Drama & War
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