Movies like Mr. Jones to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Mr. Jones with Anne Bancroft, Lena Olin, Richard Gere & Tom Irwin & created by Mike Figgis?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mr. Jones?

After being arrested during a manic episode, a man who suffers from bipolar disorder is treated by a psychiatrist who begins to develop romantic feelings towards him.

TAGLINE: "Everything That Makes Him Dangerous Makes Her Love Him More"

Its release date is Friday October 8, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Doctor Patient Relationship, Piano, Symphony & Therapist
Genre Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Mike Figgis
Starring Anne Bancroft, Lena Olin, Richard Gere & Tom Irwin
Location San Diego
Written by Eric Roth (screenplay), Eric Roth (story) & Michael Cristofer (screenplay)
Cinematography Juan Ruiz Anchía
Music Maurice Jarre
Runtime 114 min

Other Drama movies by Mike Figgis

Leaving Las Vegas | Oct 27th, 1995

Leaving Las Vegas
7.6/10 | By Mike Figgis
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Internal Affairs | Jan 12th, 1990

Internal Affairs
6.5/10 | By Mike Figgis
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Other Drama movies written by Eric Roth (screenplay)

Dune | Sep 15th, 2021

8.4/10 | By Denis Villeneuve
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A Star is Born | Sep 28th, 2018

A Star is Born
8.1/10 | By Bradley Cooper
The United States | Drama, Music, Musical & Romance
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