Movies like Mulan to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure, Animation & Family movie Mulan with Eddie Murphy, Jackie Chan, Lea Salonga & Ming-Na Wen & created by Barry Cook & Tony Bancroft?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mulan?

To save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

TAGLINE: "This time, the princess saves the prince."

Its release date is Thursday June 18, 1998

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic China, Chinese Mythology Popular Culture, Cricket, Daughter, Dragon, Family, Homeland, Honor, Luck, Musical, Princess, Sexism, Soldiers & Training
Genre Action, Adventure, Animation & Family
Country The United States
Director Barry Cook & Tony Bancroft
Starring Eddie Murphy, Jackie Chan, Lea Salonga & Ming-Na Wen
Place Han Dynasty
Written by Alan Ormsby (additional story material), Barry Johnson (story), Burny Mattinson (story), Chris Sanders (screenplay by), Chris Williams (story), Daan Jippes (additional story material), David Reynolds (additional story material), Dean DeBlois (story co-head), Denis Rich (additional story material), Don Dougherty (additional story material), Ed Gombert (story), Eugenia Bostwick-Singer (screenplay by), Floyd Norman (story), Frank Nissen (additional story material), Jeff Snow (additional story material), Jodi Ann Johnson (additional story material), Joe Ekers (additional story material), Joe Grant (story), John Sanford (story), Jorgen Klubien (additional story material), Julius Aguimatang (story), Larry Scholl (additional story material), Linda Woolverton (additional story material), Lorna Cook (story), Philip LaZebnik (screenplay by), Raymond Singer (screenplay by), Rita Hsiao (screenplay by), Robert D. San Souci (based on a story by), Theodore Newton (additional story material), Thom Enriquez (story) & Tim Hodge (story)
Music *
Runtime 88 min