Movies like Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny & Girly to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Crime & Horror movie Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny & Girly with Michael Bryant, Pat Heywood, Ursula Howells & Vanessa Howard & created by Freddie Francis?

Movies like Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny & Girly with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny & Girly?

A wealthy, fatherless British clan kidnaps bums and hippies and forces them to participate in an elaborate role-playing game in which they are the perfect family; those who refuse or attempt escape are ritualistically murdered.

TAGLINE: "Everyone is dying to meet Girly"

Its release date is Thursday February 12, 1970

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Play Or Musical, Nannies & Years
Genre Comedy, Crime & Horror
Country United Kingdom
Director Freddie Francis
Starring Michael Bryant, Pat Heywood, Ursula Howells & Vanessa Howard
Place England
Time 1970
Written by Brian Comport (screenplay) & Maisie Mosco (play)
Cinematography David Muir
Music Bernard Ebbinghouse
Runtime 102 min

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Hysteria | Jun 6th, 2011

6.7/10 | By Freddie Francis & Tanya Wexler
Luxembourg & United Kingdom | Comedy & Romance
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