Movies like Murders in the Zoo to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Horror movie Murders in the Zoo with Charles Ruggles, Gail Patrick, Lionel Atwill & Randolph Scott & created by A. Edward Sutherland?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Murders in the Zoo?

A monomaniacal zoologist is pathologically jealous of his beautiful but unfaithful wife Evelyn and will not stop short of murder to keep her.
Its release date is Friday March 31, 1933

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Genre Crime & Horror
Country The United States
Director A. Edward Sutherland
Starring Charles Ruggles, Gail Patrick, Lionel Atwill & Randolph Scott
Written by Philip Wylie & Seton I. Miller
Cinematography Ernest Haller
Music John Leipold
Runtime 62 min